Μαρτυρίες ανθρώπων
"Fibromyalgia is an urgent health issue due to the enormous impact it has on those who suffer from the condition as well as the European economy. More than 10 million people have already being diagnosed in Europe and many more remain undiagnosed. Unfortunately, awareness of fibromyalgia is extremely low among healthcare providers and the general public and this can impede patients from getting the care and support they need. Being myself a patient diagnosed more than 15 years ago I can testify the extremely and negative impact it has on my daily life. For those reasons I think it would be extremely useful and very much welcome that the European Union, plays a role in order to improve the difficult situation of patients, taking the necessary steps to raise awareness of this condition and to support both educational programs and research that will advance diagnosis and management of fibromyalgia in Europe." ...Ms Barroso Κι όμως, ο πόνος νικιέται - Οι μαρτυρίες των ανθρώπων...